I follow Peggy's blog (http://thesimplewoman.blogspot.com/) pretty religiously as she has such a great message of simplicity and peace. From her blog I have linked to many others who have the same thought process...All of them challenge me to move beyond the "rat race" into quiet peacefulness and reflection. While I am so far away from leading a simpler life, I continue to strive to keep my focus on the simplest, yet most complex, blessing I have been given - that of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Peggy had a great idea to reflect each week (along the same lines as the daybook) on a simple devotion, so, as time is limited for a complete blogging entry today, I will venture out and start this weekly process to further delve into what is REALLY important in this life...
For Today...
Dear Lord,
I'll bring you my shortcomings...There are so many Lord, but today I bring you my lack of "letting go" - I continue to desire to want to do things my way, or at least play a part in how everything needs to be. Help me to let you be the God of my life, and help me to submit to your plan.
I'll bring you my worship and praise... What an awesome God and Creator you are! I look out my window and see your handprint in everything I see. You have the power to create the seasons, and move us from fall to winter. I praise you for your amazing power over the world and marvel in the works of your hands!
I'll bring you my prayer... please Lord Jesus, use me to touch a life and make a difference today, whether it be in a kind word or action. Grant me wisdom to know what to say and when to say it in order to further your kingdom.
You spoke to me..."Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Colossians 4:6
1 comment:
Hi Sarah, I followed Peggy's blog to yours and was very moved by your devotional and prayer thoughts! It seems to me that you really spoke your heart, and doesn't God love to hear that from us?
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